Saturday, February 11, 2012

Outdoor Quest: Snow Caves For Fun and Survival

Outdoor Quest: Snow Caves For Fun and Survival: My friend Leon reviews the book ‘Snow Caves For Fun and Survival.’ by Leon Pantenburg A group of Boy Scouts and volunteers were on our...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Jace Gets Lost, Jace Gets Found

Though warmly dressed, this youngster would be hard to find.
Few things could be more frightening to a parent than to look around and discover their child is missing in the wilderness. This book, “Jace Gets Lost, Jace Gets Found” can help you train your child so this doesn’t happen.

Click on "Jace Gets Lost, Jace Gets Found”  to read the review.

Snow Caves For Fun and Survival

I have helped build snow caves as emergency shelters in the past, and didn’t think they were particularly effective. But that was before I read “Snow Caves For Fun and Survival” by Ernest Wilkinson. I’ve changed my mind. To read the review, click here.
(Read my story on building a snow cave using Wilkinson’s techniques by clicking on building snow caves)